Sankshema Scholarship Scheme
Many bright, hardworking and deserving students in India do not complete their education because of their poor economic background. Many of them are children of poor farmers and daily wage laborers who go to great lengths to provide their children basic education. The students themselves study in conditions which would not be acceptable in any developed country. They lack basic infrastructure like a table and chair sufficient books etc. In spite of these odds, they manage to qualify in the
entrance exams for professional streams, but they back out due to lack of financial support.
In 1999 it was decided by the trust to generate funds from individuals and organizations so as to sponsor students with merit from the economically deprived rural communities to manifest progress by providing them with financial support.
The Sankshema Scholarship Fund was started in 1999 with 14 students. Scholarships are awarded to students from Medical, Engineering, M.B.A, M.C.A, Bachelors of Commerce (B.Com), Bachelors of Pharmacy (B.Pharm) Nursing, etc. As on 9th February 2014, students were awarded scholarships. The scholarship amount disbursed was 52,27,500Rs. The cumulative total since 1999 is 4,308 students, with a cumulative total amount of 33,463,000 Rs.

Students List Abstract List
Criteria for selection
The basic criteria for selecting students are:
Economic backwardness
Scholarships are renewed in subsequent years depending on a minimum performance of 55%
Selection is done by an independent committee nominated by the Trust.